Sai Deodhar’s directorial short film “Badhai Ho” featuring Renuka Shahane, Tushar Dalvi, Mansee Dharankar, Rajat Singh Bhasin is everything mature, romantic and cute

Sai Deodhar’s directorial short film “Badhai Ho” featuring Renuka Shahane, Tushar Dalvi, Mansee Dharankar, Rajat Singh Bhasin is everything mature, romantic and cute

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Sai Deodhar’s short film Badhai Ho is a love story, a new concept about a cute couple who believes in new beginnings. 

It is difficult to over look the creative genius of the team. It is a short film that will definitely remind you of the true potential of cinematic storytelling with a message. 

The brilliant acting performances, story line makes “Badhai Ho” an engaging experience. 

“We need more feel good films in 2021 which are at the convenience of home. Badhai Ho is a cute, mature romantic new age love story for everyone to watch with their families” says Sai