Writer’s Corner Submission Guidelines

Writer’s Corner Submission Guidelines

Writer’s Corner Submission Guidelines:


Thank you for your interest in Writer’ Corner for writers of poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction. Before you send us your submission, please read the following guidelines.


  • We encourage submissions from writers across the globe.
  • Only send unpublished work. Work that has appeared online is considered to have been previously published and should not be submitted.
  • We do not consider simultaneous submissions, i.e. work that is being considered elsewhere.
  • Send a maximum of 3 poems to be considered in one email.
  • For short stories, prose and personal essays, send one submission at a time.
  • Submissions must not be previously published even on personal blogs.
  • We accept submissions year-round.
  • Please do not send a new submission if you have not yet had a response to a previous one.
  • All submissions must be typed in a word document (.doc).  Font: Arial, Font size: 12, Font colour: Black
  • Please put your name and address, including country along with your submission.
  • Please try to send an image, photograph relevant to your submission, to make the published work more presentable.
  • We examine all work received and accept that which seems best.
  • We consider original works written in the English language, as well as translations of poetry into English.
  • Writers are completely responsible for the content they place with us. If we find anyone guilty of plagiarism, we will delete their published work immediately.
  • We try to respond in the fastest possible time but sometimes it can take up to 90 days.
  • We do not accept queries made over the phone.
  • Contributors receive the link of their published work; however no payment is made to them against any submission.
  • Please submit your work via email only. Email us at [email protected]